Hip Replacement Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy After Hip Replacement – Information, Exercises, and More
You’ve had or are planning to have a hip replacement, and you’re wondering what to expect after your surgery.
After your hip replacement surgery, you will likely need physical therapy treatments.
In this guide, you’ll learn about hip replacements, exercises to speed up healing, and how physical therapy can help.
What is a Hip Replacement?
A hip replacement is when a person undergoes surgery to have their hip joint removed and replaced with a prosthetic implant.
The prosthetic implant is made to work almost exactly like a real hip joint. It will take some getting used to, but the surgery should help you walk and move with less discomfort in the long run.
What Causes the Need for a Hip Replacement?
There are many reasons why someone may need a hip replacement.
Here are some of the most common:
Some people are prone to developing arthritis in their hips over time.
Two types of people who are especially vulnerable to hip arthritis are:
- Elderly
- Athletes
Genetic Disorder
Occasionally someone may be born with a disorder that affects their hip joints. A malformation of the hips at birth can cause someone to need a hip replacement later in life.
People who have experienced an injury to their hip joint may need hip replacement surgery. For example, if you’re in a car accident where your hip bone is severely damaged, a hip replacement may be required.
Symptoms You May Experience After a Hip Replacement
While hip replacement is major surgery, most patients are discharged the same day.
New technology for hip replacement surgery helps patients to be more comfortable, and heal faster.
However, there are still side-effects you may experience after hip replacement surgery.
The most common symptom people experience after surgery is pain.
You may feel pain in your hip joints, nearby muscles, and the skin around your incision.
Your surgeon might prescribe medication to help with temporary pain and discomfort for the first few weeks after surgery.
Trouble Walking
After hip replacement surgery, you’ll need to take it slow. You may be able to walk right away, but it will take some time to walk normally again.
In order to get back on your feet faster, you’ll want to find a top-notch physical therapist.
Consider using In Motion O.C. for your physical therapy after hip replacement surgery.
We are the highest rated physical therapist in the country on yelp because our patients have a great experience in our offices and oftentimes heal very quickly after hip replacement surgery.
Your hip replacement physical therapy doesn’t need to be painful or disruptive to your life. In Motion O.C. therapists can get you back on your feet in record time.
Treatments After a Hip Replacement
Your doctor or therapist will give you several options if you’re having pain and discomfort after your hip replacement. These treatments are a part of a typical total hip replacement physical therapy protocol.
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy is very important after your hip replacement surgery. Your professional therapist will show you what to do to regain mobility in your hip.
Physical therapy often includes:
- Stretches
- Exercises
- Massage
- A list of activities to avoid
If you have pain from your hip replacement that is preventing you from living life normally, you may wish to take pain or anti-inflammatory medications.
Ask your doctor which over-the-counter medications are best. He or she may prescribe you a pain reliever or anti-inflammatory to ease discomfort.
Hip Replacement Physical Therapy – Will PT Help?
Physical therapy can reduce pain and discomfort after hip replacement surgery.
After hip replacement, your doctor will likely suggest that you start visiting a physical therapist right away.
You may be wondering, what is my hip replacement physical therapy timeline?
Physical therapy is different for everyone. One person may only need 1 month of therapy, whereas another will need 6 months or more.
The timeline will depend on how well your body is healing. Also, be sure to keep up with the home exercises your therapist recommends.
Best Hip Replacement Physical Therapy Exercises
When you start physical therapy, your therapist will show you many different exercises and stretches to help your hips regain full range of motion.
Below are some exercises a Doctor of Physical Therapy may recommend.
One of the most important things to do after surgery is stretch. However, you want to make sure you’re stretching the right way.
Your professional therapist will show you exactly which stretches to do, and which ones to avoid.
After hip surgery, it might be uncomfortable to walk. Your therapist will tell you how much you should walk each day in order to continue the healing process.
Lifting light weights can help you gain muscle in your legs, back, and core, which will help your hip replacement physical therapy.
Your therapist might add light leg-weights on your ankles, to intensify the exercises.
How In Motion O.C. Can Help With Pain From Your Hip Replacement
You’re having pain from your hip replacement.
Your doctor has prescribed physical therapy. But who is the best physical therapist for hip replacements?
In Motion O.C. has extensive experience with hip physical therapy. Many of our patients have had hip replacements, and are now completely recovered.
*This information about physical therapy for hip replacement was reviewed by Dr Natalie Thomas, PT, DPT. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us here.
If you’re wondering who to turn to for help with your hip replacement physical therapy, call us at In Motion O.C. We will give you all the tools you need to get you back on your feet and back to your life.