Knee pain is nobody’s friend; it commonly tries to hangout with us even though we obviously don’t want it there. It can physically and emotionally drain us and make us think of how we are getting older and the pains that come along with it. Depressing right? How can we get it to go away? We can look up strategies on how to kindly send it packing but sometimes we need a little extra help to do this.
Your knees are one of the most important parts of your body to protect because they’re kind of a big deal in your daily activities. Walking, as an obvious example. Knee pain can come from all sorts of places and can commonly arise from many years of wearing out shoes, previous knee injuries, muscle tightness, walking funny and so on. You can take aspirin, use Icy-Hot or many of the other product that gives you TEMPORARY pain relief, but that doesn’t address the underlying issue.
Whenever you have knee pain that has been constant for a few days or weeks, do not try to be Rocky Balboa and fight through the pain. This pain could be a sign of a deeper issue. As tempting as it might be to just “live with it” you shouldn’t have to. As a matter of fact, not treating the pain tends to make the issue worse. You know the adage…things don’t usually fix themselves.
So, what should you do? Physical Therapy. PT can help you understand what’s going on and give you strategies on how to treat and decrease the knee pain you have. The whole point is to get you as close to pain-free as possible! You’ll be given the tools that physical therapists have spent many years learning and practicing that you can apply to reduce your knee pain. Depending on the extent of your pain, physical therapy can be fast, or it can take a little more time but the main take away here is that you will have LONG-TERM pain relief. No more Ben Gay, no more Icy-Hot or Aspirin. Your knees and your wallet will even buy you dinner!
So remember, take knee pain in stride and let physical therapy be your friend.
Depending on the extent of your pain, physical therapy can be fast, or it can take a little more time but the main take away here is that you will have LONG-TERM pain relief
If you take knee pain in strides and let physical therapy be your friend. You will have long-term pain relie